A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?
A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility? Of course, I was occasionally taking anti-pain medications during the time I was trying to conceive. I mean, who doesn’t? Though I am generally trying to avoid any medications as much as possible, I sometimes do get headaches (or toothaches!) that can’t be relieved without…
Surrogacy: One real-life experience
Surrogacy: One real-life experience There is no probably no other such controversial topic related to building a family as surrogacy. Though I’ve spent years emerged in investigating and understanding all kinds of infertility-related topics, I must admit that I’m not completely sure how to feel about surrogacy. Is surrogacy a renting-a-body type of business? Or…
Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No?
Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No? The moment a woman has one or two unsuccessful series of IVF behind her, she becomes ready to do anything, really anything to make the next IVF cycle work. Many of the women I talk to have a long history of fertility treatments, so the…
Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why
Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why There are people in this world such as fertility specialists on CHR (Center for Human Reproduction in New York) who are true magicians in making women pregnant and who really understand the issues surrounding low ovarian reserve or bad egg quality in women over forty.…
Do you know your AMH and FSH levels?
Do you know your AMH and FSH levels? My best friend is thirty-nine and is still postponing having a baby. We have discussed all kinds of fertility topics for years – from egg freezing, to low ovarian reserve, tracking ovulation etc., and still she would not even go to a doctor to find out about…